Hey, Helsinki. Kuopio will attack you in less than a month. Demilich and Winterwolf have formed an axis of evil, and the generals have decided to invade The Babylon Protected By The Mighty Kehä III on Saturday, December 15, 2018.
Demilich will use the old and trusty machinery from 1990 to 2006, whereas Winterwolf’s weaponry is from 2009 and, believe it or not, from the future, 2019! Thanks, Skynet!
The invasion will start at Kuudes Linja, right when everybody has started sipping beer and watching nature documentary on the TV. That is 19:00 (7PM).
You would have never known what hit you unless we hadn’t blabbed about it here.
Saturday, 2018-12-15 (15 December 2018) 19:00-22:00 (7 PM – 10 PM)
Kuudes Linja, Hämeentie 13, 00530 Helsinki, Finland
Tickets: 12,50 € / 13,00 € ; Tiketti.fi (from 2018-11-26 on)
#Winterwolf #KuudesLinja #Helsinki #Skynet #future #invasion
Classic Adversary T-shirt16,99 €
Em9t2ness of van2s1ing / V34ish6ng 0f emptiness 2LP – 1st pressing!24,99 € – 26,99 €
Logo patch4,99 €
Winterwolf: Cycle Of The Werewolf CD7,99 €
Winterwolf: Natas T-shirt15,99 €