Recognition time, as promised at
Let me introduce you the first Demilich Perv Of The Month ever: Tim Shaw!
The absolutely best early 90's Finnish jazzy-technical-guttural death metal band in the Universe
Recognition time, as promised at
Let me introduce you the first Demilich Perv Of The Month ever: Tim Shaw!
Here we come, Europe! From Europe. And cheery as ever.
Demilich Euro tour 2018 merch info Continue reading Demilich Euro tour 2018 merch info
Some more quick(ish) updates from Demilich HQ Continue reading Some more quick(ish) updates from Demilich HQ
OMG I’m in such a hurry! What did I have to get done? Oh, the Hellfest shirt competition, I have to do choose the winner now. What else? Continue reading OMG I’m in such a hurry!
Antti’s bucket list:
☑ Get the culture pages of our local newspaper look like a zine
Today’s Savon Sanomat has a great three page article about Demilich. Thanks Veera, Mikko, and the photographer whose name I forgot but who loved the mess we call “the rehearsal place”!
Before choosing the winner of the Hellfest shirt tuning competition, I desperately need somebody to:
– Turn a high resolution cover of Nespithe to 1-3 shirt designs.
– Do it for a reasonable price.
– Do it very f**king quickly. Continue reading Nespithe shirt designer wanted
I have a bunch of special Demilich shirts that were on sale at Hellfest, France. I’d like to sell them for cheap, but I also want to respect the original buyers. So, I’m looking for your greatest idea for customizing the shirts _easily_ so that they can never be forged to look like the ones that were sold at the event. Continue reading Get two T-shirts by giving one great idea!
Demilich has never toured the home continent, so it was about the time to do it now before death do us part! We’ll have to do it all in two weeks, though, as most of the guys just couldn’t get time off of work. I can give you their bosses’ home addresses, if you like soiling houses with excrements, and who doesn’t? Continue reading Demilich (FI) & Spectral Voice (US) to tour Europe in September!
If I don’t provide, let somebody else do it. A very – I mean, VERY – limited edition Nespithe shirt as long-sleeve and T orderable now. Yes, it’s official. Why would I post about it here if it wasn’t? Continue reading A very limited edition Nespithe shirt