Demilich has never toured the home continent, so it was about the time to do it now before death do us part! We’ll have to do it all in two weeks, though, as most of the guys just couldn’t get time off of work. I can give you their bosses’ home addresses, if you like soiling houses with excrements, and who doesn’t? Jyri Lipponen, you’re safe, even though you wouldn’t want to be.
Above all, we’ll get to do this all with our fantastic friends from Spectral Voice! They’ll also get to tour one week more, because their bosses rock! Do you even work, guys?
We’ll also bring some special tour merchandise with us for you to soil with your excrements. After you’ve bought it, of course. More about these soon.
So, soil you in a bit over a month! Have an excrement time before that!
Antti Boman, the CIO of Department of Obsessive Coprophilia at Demilich PLC