Lars Ulrich must be totally ecstatic now! He will get his childhood dream fulfilled, as he’ll be able to see Demilich in the country he was born in, Denmark! The last time we played there Lars was busy with his little, randomly touring band, but thanks to the coronavirus and its jolly variants, he won’t have duties when Demilich plays in Kill-Town Death Fest in Copenhagen on September 3 this year! Naturally he won’t be able to enter backstage, but fortunately we’re known for ignoring people at the audience side during festival weekends.
I’m mostly interested in gorging at Warpigs and sipping tasty juices at Mikkeller.
Jokes aside, I cannot wait to get to play live on one of the greatest happenings ever, for the second time! Thanks again to Daniel of Kill-Town Death Fest and Killtown Bookings – note the proper hyphenation – for making this happen.
I’ll also get to meet many friends that I’ve missed so much! And ignore them when the introvert side hits me bad every hour or so. I’ll be hiding in the (cannabis) bushes (of the old, torn down festival area) if you need me.
For tickets, running order and practical information, head at https://demili.ch/ktdf2021
The Lars saga ends here, now, unfortunately. Before that, I would like to let you know that Metallica was a big influence for me as a youngster. I’m sure my rhythm signatures wouldn’t have surfaced without Ride The Lightning and Master Of Puppets.
Please don’t sue us, guys.
#KTDF #KillTown #DeathFest #LarsUlrich #Copenhagen #Warpigs #Mikkeller